/ TexConvDdsToPng.html

TexConv DDS to PNG

Tutorial on how to convert DDS files to PNG.

What are the "DDS header" files?

You've probably noticed that every .dds has an associated .dds.header. Contrary to what I would expect, the .dds.header is actually just a low-resolution version of the .dds; it is not a "header" per se, it's a tiny version of the original image. The PoE game client loads all the low-resolution textures (the .dds.header files) on startup so that it can serve those while the larger textures load.

How do I convert all the DDS files to PNG?

Microsoft distributes a tool called TexConv that can recursively convert all the DDS files to PNG for you, and even store them in a seperate folder whist perserving folder structure -r:keep. However, in its default configuration, the PNG files that it generates (whilst valid) are not properly understood by the vast majority of programs (resulting in the colors being too bright). Only a handful of programs, mostly image editing software, can properly read the PNG files.

To convert the DDS files to PNG in a format understood by most programs include the parameters -f R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB -srgbi.

Example: Convert all the .dds for "Art" and "minimap" folders

# adjust paths as needed, and make a coffee b/c this'll take 30 minutes
texconv.exe -f R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB -r:keep -ft png -srgbi -o D:\Output\Art D:\Bundles\Art\*.dds
texconv.exe -f R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB -r:keep -ft png -srgbi -o D:\Output\minimap D:\Bundles\minimap\*.dds